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Old Navy and Humor

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What do you think of the creative strategy chosen for this campaign? What are the positives and negatives of content that relies on humor? Would you propose some modification to the concept chosen? What and why?

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Can old navy increase sales by using humor in their online videos?

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Old Navy recently switched from consistently promoting their television advertising awareness to a more digital-based campaign which can potentially lead to capture the attention of a younger market. In fact, according to their older advertising agency, CP&B, the target market for many of their stores has been the 25-35 year old market, and the company has assumed that since that market is more prevalent in the utilization of internet and smart phone technology, that they will be able to capture more business from then via those distribution methods. This is a big gamble, because through the early 2000's, old Navy was extremely successful in their television marketing while offering a line of clothing that appealed to the markets they sought ...

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