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Discussion strategy for violence free environment

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Most of us desire to live in an environment that is violence free. When we watch Court TV and see a murderer or rapist, it is just human for us to wish that he/she can get the maximum punishment via the law. Some of us want to put uncivilized people away for life even if it means death. However; what happens when the murderer or rapist is your child? How would you like to see justice prevail in favor of your child, even if you know he/she is guilty of a horrific crime against another human being?

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The way to set up this discussion would be to start out with something sympathetic that captures the reader's attention that makes them feel sorry for the perpetrator. Then discuss why people do the crimes that they do.
Finally, you can talk about the solution,

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The way to set up this discussion would be to start out with something sympathetic that captures the reader's attention that makes them feel sorry for the perpetrator. Then discuss why people do the crimes that they do.
Finally, you can talk about the solution, what would you like to see happen to your child.

Here is an example.

According to the National Child Abuse Statistics, more than five children die every day because of child abuse related injuries. Those that survive the abuse usually grow up to become abusive themselves. These abusive children may end up being serious killers, rapist, or even spouse abusers. It is more difficult to sentence a person who is a rapist when you hear that they have been raped themselves since the age of four, or sometimes even younger. Some may sympathize and say, "I understand why he did what he did." Others may say, "He deserve to die." But if that child is ...

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