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position of Wal-Mart

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What are your thoughts on the position of Wal-Mart in the retail distribution industry. You may also choose to compare Wal-Mart's business model to that of its competitors.

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This explanation provides you a comprehensive argument relating to position of Wal-Mart

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The current position of Wal-Mart is very strong in the industry. The company has 629 discount stores, 611 Sam's Clubs, and has 168 Wal-Mart neighborhood markets in the United States. Wal-Mart plans to build 15 to 20 Wal-Mart Express stores in USA. Abroad Wal-Mart continues to expand; the company has in 2012 increased its stake to 51% in Chinese Online Supermarket Yihaodan. Wal-Mart is also working on improving the nutritional value of its store brands by reducing salt and sugar and eliminating trans-fats. Wal-Mart is also testing its "Wal-Mart To Go" home delivery system where customers are able to order specific items offered on their website. According to 2011 figures, Forbes Global 2000 list shows Wal-Mart as the largest corporation when ranked by revenue.

The net income of Wal-Mart is $15.7 B. This income has declined from the 2011 figure of $16.4B. Still, the revenues of Wal-Mart have grown from $422 billion in 2011 to $447 in 2012. The gross profit of Wal-Mart has also grown from $107 billion in 2011 to $112 billion in 2012.
However, Wal-Mart has been marred by controversies. In 2012 The New York Times reported that its Mexican subsidiary had paid millions of dollars in bribes to local officials to expedite permits for construction and operation of its many stores. In another controversy, there was an internal memo sent to the firm's Board of Directors about reducing more than $1 billion in health care by 2011 ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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