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Integration of the HR Planning and Strategic Process

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Resource: Strategic Planning and HR Planning: Linking the Process & Figure 2.1 in Ch. 2 of Managing Human Resources

Choose a company with which you are familiar.

Explain the integration of the HR planning process and strategic process to new employees in your company.

Analyze each major HR responsibility in a company. Provide your analysis of these responsibilities to new employees, along with an explanation of how these integrate into the strategic planning process.

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Solution Summary

The five main responsibilities of HR management are explained in this solution with a paragraph on how they can be integrated into the planning process. 512 words with 4 references.

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There is a close integration of the HR planning process and the strategic process. The strategic process based on mission, vision, and values sets the purpose and goals of the organization. The HR Planning process comprehends these and develops a culture based on the goals of the organization. The company I work for makes plastic molded toys and the HR planning process helps the company achieve its objectives. The strategic process identifies the opportunities and threats in the environment. The HR planning process identifies the opportunities for recruiting the best possible employees and training them. In my company, we require skills to produce high quality moulds as well as to reduce wastage. Our strength lies in keeping the cost low. It is HR planning that has developed these skills and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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