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Project Management problems

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If the indirect cost for each duration are $1,300 for 16 weeks, $1,290 for 15 weeks, $1,250 for 14 weeks, $1,200 for 13 weeks, $1,100 for 12 weeks, $1,020 for 11 weeks and $1,000 for 10 weeks, compute the total cost for each duration. Show critical paths. What is the optimum cost-time schedule? Show your work with analysis.
Rubric: 7x2 + 4 (Optimum cost-time schedule) + 7 (critical Analysis and Discussion)

Activity Crash Cost (Slope) Maximum Crash Time Normal Time (Weeks) Normal Cost
A 10 1 4 030
B 70 2 7 060
C 0 0 1 080
D 20 2 4 040
E 50 3 5 110
F 200 3 5 090
G 30 1 2 060
H 40 1 2 070
I 0 0 2 140
$ 680

Complete the following table:

Duration Direct Cost Indirect Cost Total /Critical Path
10 $ 1,000.00
11 $ 1,020.00
12 $ 1,100.00
13 $ 1,200.00
14 $ 1,250.00
15 $ 1,290.00
16 $ 1,300.00

Discuss the associated risk.

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The expert examines project management problems.

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If the indirect cost for each duration are $1,300 for 16 weeks, $1,290 for 15 weeks, $1,250 for 14 weeks, $1,200 for 13 weeks, $1,100 for 12 weeks, $1,020 for 11 weeks and $1,000 for 10 weeks, compute the total cost for each duration. Show critical paths. What is the optimum cost-time schedule? Show your work with analysis.
Rubric: 7x2 + 4 (Optimum cost-time schedule) + 7 (critical Analysis and Discussion)

Activity Crash Cost (Slope) Maximum Crash Time Normal Time ...

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