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Project management

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1. Project Management differs from traditional functional managers largely because:
a. projects are unique, one-time events
b. project have a clear definable end
c. projects have more relaxed specifications than typical operations.
d. both a and b
e. all of the above

2. The work breakdown structure (WBS/OBS) is developed primarily to:
a. clarify deliverables.
b. develop a project cost estimate.
c. assign organization units responsibility for completing work.
d. both a and b
e all of the above

3. The intersection of work packages and the organizational unit creates a(n):
a. cost account
b. OBS
c. project deliverable
d. project budget

4. Project cost estimates:
a. generally consist of direct costs, project overhead costs, and general overhead costs
b. can be estimated most reliably by asking those responsible for the work to develop the estimates.
c. may use ratio methods as a starting point
d. are integrated with time estimates to create the project budget
e. both a and c
f. all the above

5. In network analysis, the results of the backward pass indicate:
a. the project duration
b. the accuracy of the forward pass
c. the latest time each activity can be finished
d. the "crash" time for each activity.

6. In risk management, the term "tigger" is used to denote an event that would:
a. cause the project manager to shut down a project.
b. cause the project manager to transer a risk to another department.
c. cause the manager to initiate a contingency plan.
d. lead to a delay in the project.

7. A risk assessment matrix evaluates:
a. the chance a risk will materialize.
b. the severity of the risks involved.
c. detection difficulty.
d. when the risk might occur.
e. both a and b.
f. all of the above.

8. The ________ controls, records, and reports variations that affect the accuracy of the original baseline.
a. change control system
b. network plan
c. WBS
d. risk assessment matrix

9. "Crashing" the times of activities in a project:
a. is most accurately and effectively determined using computer solutions.
b. should be done as early as possible in the project.
c. is most suitable for sensitive networks
d. can result in significant cost savings for insensitive networks.

10. Generally, the best scheduling rule for a resource-constrained project is;
a. smallest duration task first.
b. minimum slack first.
c. activity requiring the most resources first.
d. smallest activity number first.

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The solution answers sveral questions related to Project Management. All the questions are multiple choice. The solution goes into detail and not just answers the questions.

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Answer 1: (D)
A project is unique, temporary endeavor and has a clearly defined goal.

Answer 2: (E)
A WBS is used as an input for almost all the other activities in the ...

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