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Business Research for Decision Making

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Despite the comments from the steering committee (from your Unit 1 Individual Project), your manager thinks that your proposal thus far is sound, and encourages you to take the next step - conducting research.

Using the Cybrary and all other resource materials at your disposal, develop a PowerPoint presentation of your proposal to date. You will need to use both literature review and data, and your sources need to be credible and current, In the speaker notes elaborate on your outline and give references to support your claim. Include information on the following:

* Introduction to your proposal thus far
* Definition of the problem
* A purpose statement
* Pertinent data that you have gathered to help you formulate your decision
* The type of data you will gather, how it will be collected and how will it aid in your research.
* Use the APA Style Guide, 5th edition, to cite and reference your materials.

I need help with the APA style guide, how should I approach this assignment?

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Solution Summary

This solution provides assistance in developing a point form presentation on the role of business research for decison making e.g. definition of the problem, a purpose statement, pertinent data that you have gathered to help you formulate your decision, the type of data you will gather, how it will be collected and how will it aid in your research. APA style guide provided.

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