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Management in Starbucks Coffeehouse Abroad

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1. When Starbucks opened its very first coffeehouse abroad, it was exposed to international business risks. Name three risks that a company encounters when it conducts cross-border business. Suggest how the company might mitigate each risk.

2. At a job interview, you learn that the position is an expatriate position and that you will live abroad. Discuss three important ingredients the company should have in their program to prepare you for the foreign assignments? Why is each important?

3. What are the risks and rewards of operating a multinational organization?

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The expert examines management in Starbucks coffeehouse abroad.

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1. When Starbucks opened its very first coffeehouse abroad, it was exposed to international business risks. Name three risks that a company encounters when it conducts cross-border business. Suggest how the company might mitigate each risk.

1. Communication challenges: The company should train their employees to learn the nation's language and to be credible. If the speaker is perceived as highly credible, the attempt at persuasive communication is more likely to be successful. Additionally, use great technology to speed up communication between the nations.
2. Cultural issues on products or services: For a food and beverage company, the company should loosen up its menu to fit the nation's culture. For example, McDonald ...

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