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Generational Differences in Employee Performance

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The younger generation has been pampered and nurtured and are both high-performance and high-maintenance. List 3 pros and 3 cons (with details explaining your answers) in hiring the younger generation for the workplace. Also name 5 possible conflicts you predict would occur if you were to place an entry-level younger generation employee and partner him/her with a seasoned employee who has been with the company over 15 years.

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The solution discusses generational differences in employee performance.

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-Members of the younger generation are high performance and will diligently handle the tasks that are part of their job description
-The younger generation has been taught that they can do anything they set their mind to, so they may be more innovative than more seasoned employees
-The younger generation may have more energy than older employees, and so may be more efficient when completing tasks


-Members of the younger generation are high ...

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