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Question about Census

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In the first part of this exercise, download the files from the Census Bureau. You will create a short presentation for the Marketing department highlighting how the consumers in the 60614 zip code differ from those in the Total US.
Create a graph that compares the categories from each file. Create a 3-5 slide presentation with in-depth speaker notes that displays the graph(s) and analysis on how the 60614 categories you chose differ from the national profile.

? Use the file attached: U.S. Census Bureau Reports . This file contains reports generated from AMA's (American Marketing Association) website. AMA's website provides free demographical services where one can choose from a variety of criteria and generate reports based on the U.S. Census data. This particular file contains 4 reports: Census Overview, Census Employment, Census Trend, Census Population Detail based on the entire U.S.

? use the file: 60614 Census Bureau Reports . This particular file contains 4 reports: Census Overview, Census Employment, Census Trend, Census Population Detail based on the U.S. zip code 60614.

Part II
provide your advice as to possible business venture to pursue in zip code 60614 for scenario 1

use the population data on the community in question. This particular file contains 4 reports: Census Overview, Census Employment, Census Trend, and Census Population Detail based on the U.S. zip code 60614. Research the Internet and your course materials for any additional data and resources to help you reach this recommendation. Document any assumptions or elaborations you had to make in the speaker's notes.

Scenario 1:
The academic affairs committee wants a recommendation on what new degree program should be pursued for the 60614 community.

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The academic affairs committe should focus on professional degree programs in the field of finance, education, medicine, marketing etc.

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The academic affairs committe should focus on professional degree programs in the field of finance, education, medicine, marketing ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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