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Program Manager Information Technology

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FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE: Plans, develops and implements information systems or services to support a customer's information systems needs. In this capacity either works as the customer liaison or as the provider of an IT service for the Information Technology (IT) organization. Provides program/project support for IT funded initiatives. Assists customers in defining business requirements, develops project scope, obtains business and IT sponsor approvals and coordinates the resources to successfully complete the project.


1. Knowledge of business system solution development at a level sufficient to direct and manage a functional area's related planning efforts and activities, and provide alternative solutions to business needs.

2. Ability to manage multiple complex projects and initiatives to meet customer business needs, including long term strategic plans.

3. Ability to provide leadership and guidance to employees and suppliers in the development and implementation of business systems solutions.

4. Ability to develop and manage a business case to justify information systems project funding.

5. Ability to identify and track program activities; develop program costs and measure performance against planned objectives.

6. Ability to communicate orally and in writing with executives, employees, contractors, customers, industry and government representatives to answer questions and present technical information.

* A statement for each knowledge, skill, or ability (KSA) each bullets must have a STAR (Situation, Task, Action and Result) format.

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1. Knowledge of business system solution development at a level sufficient to direct and manage a functional area's related planning efforts and activities, and provide alternative solutions to business needs.
SITUATION: Cement making plant's finance department wanted to set up a control system for monitoring labor cost.
TASK; I had to set up a system that would monitor the labor cost in the cement making process.
ACTION:I interacted with the HRM of the cement company, found out the labor estimated per bag of cement and designed a computer based system that would help detect variances on hourly, daily and weekly basis.
RESULT: The variances in labor cost were reduced. The causes of excess labor cost were identified.

2. Ability to manage multiple complex projects and initiatives to meet customer business needs, including long term strategic plans.
SITUATION: A store chain was losing money because of delivery delays, over billings and understaffing.
TASK; I needed to set up a computer based system that would alert the trucking company about delays in deliveries, there was a need ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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