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Management Information Systems - Software Trends

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What types of software and software trends are relevant to managers?

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The identification of variety of sufficient software and software trends that supports management aim in effectively meeting their internal goals towards higher productivity and efficiency.

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Software is used proactively by managers seeking to gain a sufficient understanding to how their departments are performing for the company. Thus, the variety of software is bountiful to satisfying the direct needs of the manager to succeeding in meeting the desired goals. Therefore, the types of software depends on the managers needs to effectively manage their departments to make proficient decisions. The core formulating approach in deciding what software is sufficient is based on the following;

1. Defining a problem or opportunity to recognize a sufficient way to achieving higher productivity and quality standards.
2. Evaluating data at a moment's notice that provides alternative processing solutions.
3. Software capabilities to ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, American Intercontinental University
  • MBA, American Intercontinental University
  • PhD (IP), Grand Canyon University
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