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theories of motivation

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Roger works at the only departmental store in a small town. He has been working there for over 5 years and has received raises and bonuses. As there are three employees working in the store, including the manager, there is no opportunity for a promotion. Roger likes his job and is a good employee, efficient, and willing to help customers. However, of late, he has been tardy on many occasions and displays little or no motivation at work. After he is confronted by his floor manager, Roger expresses his dissatisfaction, stating that his work has become routine and uninteresting. Analyze how the floor manager can help Roger using the need theories of motivation.

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Roger works at the only departmental store in a small town. He has been working there for over 5 years and has received raises and bonuses. As there are three employees working in the store, including the manager, there is no opportunity for a promotion. Roger likes his job and is a good employee, efficient, and willing to help customers.

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Floor manager can use need hierarchy theory of motivation to boost the morale and motivation level of Roger. As per this theory, "hierarchy of needs is also predetermined in order of importance. It is often depicted as a pyramid consisting of five levels: the lowest level is associated with physiological needs, while the uppermost level is ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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