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Procter & Gamble Leadership

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Previously, you were asked to conduct an analysis of either Procter & Gamble or Intuitive Surgical. After reviewing both cases, you made a preliminary determination as to which company you plan to use. In your post, conduct an initial analysis of your chosen company (Procter & Gamble: see attachments):

1.What is your initial impression of which leadership model would be appropriate and why?

2.How well does the company you have chosen exemplify application of the five discovery skills of innovator leaders?

3.How well did the leaders guide the company toward the right people, processes, and philosophies and which is most important in this situation?

**See link below to view Innovator's DNA summary on people, processes, and philosophies


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The initial impression of leadership models are determined. The exemplified applications of the five discovery skills of innovators are provided.

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1. What is your initial impression of which leadership model would be appropriate and why?
The "open innovation" model that was created by Henry Chesbrough seems the most logical type of model to apply for P&G. Because of P&G's vast dependence on R&D and product improvements and innovation, remaining a closed innovation company would limit P&G's ability to compete in the technological age of globalized information sharing. By opening up their innovation strategy, P&G can remain a leader in their competitive markets.

2. How well does the company you have chosen exemplify application of the five discovery skills of innovator leaders?

At the turn of the 21st ...

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