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Business Questions: What to do in the case of an error?

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It is good for a business to have backup plans to fall back upon when an error occurs. A second great point is to not let the person involved continue to be downhearted or disoriented from the failure but to support them and boost their morale. If this does not happen more mistakes will be made, maybe more critical ones. The error that occurred may have been a problem in the procedures because an unforeseen incident occurred and needs to be included in the procedural responses so that error will not happen again. Do you agree with this statement?

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This solution discusses error situations.

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I do agree with this statement, but I also would argue that the error could have occurred for many reasons aside from procedural error. It is definitely good for a business to have backup plans for errors. When our peers fail, it really shows who we are, by the way that we ...

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