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An overview of the approaches of studying leadership

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Write an overview on one of the major approaches to studying leadership.
Include the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen leadership approach.
Provide an example in which this leadership approach was used in an organization.

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This is a 607 word overview of the approaches of studying leadership. It contains 2 references, and details the strengths and weaknesses inherent to moral leadership. The solution also touches on the philological aspects of leadership.

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Moral Leadership
Moral Leadership is more than leading others and having influence; it introduces how one does that into the equation. A moral leader acts, follows, and calls others to a higher standard, a standard that is directed by what is thought to be good or right by a common standard. That standard is generated by a group of people, recognized by some authority and may even be based on spiritual foundations. It's these types of standards that are expected in decisions and actions of moral leadership. Not all of these qualities are qualities that every leader should have, or could have, but they are all good qualities for leaders everywhere to strive to emulate. Good leaders are trustworthy, just, compassionate, and exude integrity. The most important of these is compassion, because when people feel that a leader is genuine and really cares about what they do, and who they do it for, others want to ...

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