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Global Stretegic MGMT

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Research the VISA website. Respond to the following questions:
What is the most important problem facing VISA?
What recommendation(s) would you make to VISA and in what order of priorities?
How do you balance between your commitment to shareholders and your commitment to the community?

364 words

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Research the VISA website. After reviewing of all the documents you can find on the web and in libraries, write responses to the following questions:
What is the most important problem facing VISA?
The most important problem facing VISA is that it is losing its market share. The main issue is that industry in which VISA operates, there are no barriers to entry and so there is a flux of new entrants that are using different types of sales promotions, attractions, and discounts to attract new customers. Often these companies are linked to large multinational banks and use the infrastructure of these banks. There are numerous ways in which the new cards provide attractions to customers. They offer rewards for using their card. If products are ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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