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Kudler Fine Foods: Description of IPO

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Kudler Fine Foods is a privately held company and wants to expand its operations. Can they go public through an IPO? Explain the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with this approach.

** Below I have attached information about the company. **

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In 389 words, this response discusses the company of Kudler Fine Foods and its desire to expand its operations. This response outlines whether or not this company can go public through an IPO.

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Kudler is probably too small a company to go for an IPO at this stage. The company just operates three stores and is too small as compared to other listed entities in the food retail industry. Further, with this scale of operations, they might not meet the listing requirements of exchanges such as NASDAQ and NYSE. Therefore, Kudler should definitely wait for some time before going public. Once it becomes a reasonably large sized corporation, it should think of an IPO.

The primary strength of expanding operations via IPO will be the ability to raise significant funds by ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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