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Human Resource Management - Benefit Packages

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1. What are some of the key issues facing businesses today in terms of continuing to offer a competitive benefits package?
2. What are companies doing to control costs in this area?

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The key issues facing businesses today in terms of continuing to offer a competitive benefits packages. The companies doing to control costs in the area are given.

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Changes in health care legislation, including the recent federal mandates are of significant concern to employers who wish to offer a competitive benefits package. The continuing rise of health care coverage costs in general are also a key concern, as is trying to optimize value in their benefits plan, especially when compared to those offered by competitors in the same industry. A benefits package is a significant concern when trying to attract and retain top talent. Current and potential employees assess the overall value of a benefits package when comparing multiple job offers. During the economic downturn beginning a few years ago, multiple job offers were hard to come by, so benefits packages did not, necessarily, have to be as stellar ...

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