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How Arab Countries are Coping with Globalization

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1) What aspects of globalization are impacting the Arabian peninsula?
2) What behavioral factors might be influencing Arab business practices?
3) What strategies for instituting change might be implemented when conducting business with Arab countries?

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Aspects of globalization which are impacting the Arabian peninsula include, the domination of China, India and the United States in the global market. There is little market share for the Arab nations to fight for and with the time China and India have had to develop global networks and trade agreements, there is a time factor involved in the Arab nations gearing up to the level of China and India in terms of trade relations. OPEC has acted as the ...

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Aspects of globalization which are impacting the Arabian peninsula include, the domination of China, India and the United States in the global market. There is little market share for the Arab nations to fight for and with the time China and India have had to develop global networks and trade agreements, there is a time factor involved in the Arab nations gearing up to the level of China and India in terms of trade relations. OPEC has acted as the vehicle for trade relations in a real sense. And their power precluded the need for true negotiation skills which are required in today's competitive global economy. The glut of 15-to 25 year olds in the populations of Arab countries provides both a human resources asset and a problem because the skills and mentality of global competition have to be learned and this takes time. The education and training of this new generation of workers has to be undertaken as a matter of urgency as mass unemployment is always a security concern in any part of the world, and especially in this region.

Behavioral factors that might be influencing Arab business practices are founded ...

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