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Downsizing Methodology

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Your company has decided it must downsize the scope of its business. Which is the most important goal for the company? 1) To improve its financial performance or 2) to reduce morale problems of employees scheduled to be laid off? Defend your position.

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The solution discusses the most important goal in downsizing a company.

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Although it would be highly ethical for the company to reduce the morale problems of employees scheduled to be laid off, it will be more pertinent for the organization to improve its financial performance as much as possible. One of the primary reasons that it will be more important for the company to focus on improving its financial performance, is due to the fact that the overall functioning of the an organization within a given market, is largely dependent on the company's ability to provide its ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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