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Big bang adoption

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Dear expert,
I was studying the ERP implementation strategies recently, and here is a problem related to the big bang approach that I feel a little bit hard to solve. Could you help me to explain the advantages and disadvantages associated with the decision to implement the new system using the big bang system conversion approach? Could you explain it in terms of data warehousing implications, business culture, implications and disruption to operations? I need some idea about it.


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An overview of the pros and cons of Big bang adoption, compared to other approaches.

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Hello student,

"Big bang" adoption means an enterprise-wide, instant changeover. At a set time (generally I find at the moment of the start of a fiscal year or fiscal month), all users and processes come up live on a new system.

This is one of three different ways to adopt a new ERP or MES system. The two others are phased and parallel adoption. Phased adoption is like bringing up lighting with a dimmer: areas of the organization and workflows come on, additively. For parallel adoption, the legacy and incoming systems run in parallel.

Advantages and disadvantages associated with the decision to implement the new system using the big bang system conversion approach:
• data warehousing implications
o Pros: Big bang means data history in ...

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