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Statement of cash flows for P&G

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I have some information on Procter & Gamble (P&G) and wanted to see how I can add the following information - well explain the following information. In addition to showing Power Point slides to these 2 sections.

a. Review the statement of cash flows for P&G for the three most recent fiscal years and identify how much cash was generated or used by operating, financing, and investing activities as well as some of the significant internal events that affected the companies' cash position.

b. Identify and describe at least three of the largest variable expenses for each of the three most recent fiscal years. Explain what financial impact each of those expenses has had on the companies' margins and profitability in each year.

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This provides the steps to prepare the statement of cash flows for P&G

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I have some information on Procter & Gamble (P&G) and wanted to see how I can add the following information - well explain the following information. In addition to showing Power Point slides to ...

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