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Environmental Considerations for a Firm

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Discuss in scholarly detail environmental factors that affect the performance of a firm and discuss in detail some proactive and reactive reasons for a firm going global. Provide examples with your responses. Response must be 250 words.

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The answer to this problem explains environmental factors for global business. The references related to the answer are also included.

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The first environmental factor that affects the performance of a firm is the political factor. The government policy has a strong affect on firm performance. For example, trade restrictions can have an impact on firm performance. Further, the tax rates can have a strong impact on firm performance. Changes in business related laws such as labor laws, and laws related to sales have an impact on firm performance. The second environmental factor that has an impact on firm performance is economic factor. A decline in ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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