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Business Ethics: Evaluate the goal of eliminating consumer product risk.

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There is a tendency in the U.S. to eliminate as much risk and danger as possible to consumers from the products they buy and use. As a manager, do you think such a goal may also have some negative effects on your business environment? Can you point to instances or provide examples when such an approach might prove unwise?

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This solution discusses harmful chemicals and components of consumer products and their impact on business competitiveness and consumer health in 426 words.

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While there exist the tendency in the U.S. to eliminate as much risk and danger as possible to consumers from the products they buy and use, such goals may at times also pose negative effects on the business environment. The past has undoubtedly seen manufacturers and companies alike sell products that ultimately were deemed to be harmful to the end consumer. One of the most widely publicized instances was the manufacture of children's products with lead; which is toxic when inhaled or orally consumed. However, during the same course in time when human rights and government bodies intervened to eliminate such risks from products, ...

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