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Should employers have access to drug use information?

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"Drug use is information that is rightfully private and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use."

Defend or oppose this statement.

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Whether or not an employer has the right to know about the drug use (if any) of its employees is a hotly contested issue. In this solution, we address the issue by focusing on the dual concepts of private property and responsibilities.

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Question: "Drug use is information that is rightfully private and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use." Defend or oppose this statement.

Response: Generally speaking, medical records of any type (including drug use) should be considered private property of the employee. I strongly believe in the privacy of man. I do not espouse socialism in any form whatsoever, for I believe that man thrives most when free and independent. Of course, he is free to join himself to others voluntarily; however, never should it be under coercion. One of the basic tenets of socialism is the absence of privacy, or perhaps we should say, ...

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