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Supply Chain and Sustainability

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Hi, I need help to understand the similarity or a difference between a modern supply chain and sustainability orientations versus traditional purchasing and earlier distribution channels.

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Solution Summary

* Comparison of the traditional and the modern supply chain
* Complexities in the modern supply chain that challenge sustainability
* Challenge of modern sustainability-oriented supply chains
* 428 words
* two URL links/references

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In comparing the two types of supply chains, let us name the traditional supply chain as SCM and the modern supply chain as e-SCM.
SCM used the telephone, fax and the ordinary postal mails to reach their suppliers and customers. Some of them would personally go to their suppliers to talk about important matters. In the past, it has been costly and time-consuming to communicate with the other supply chain participants. The SCM was supported by the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems. The EDI is an inter-organizational process which uses the computer for the operation of the EDI systems. Its technological expenses has been costly. However, the SCM places value on long-term ...

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