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Public Relations

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Chevron is an organization that I am familiar with. What I need to do is identify an issue in which Chevron that would have both organizational and societal implications.

I would like explanation on the following areas:

? Overview of the importance of the organizational and societal functions of PR
? Explanation of the organizational functions of PR.
? Explanation of the societal functions of PR
? An issue within the Chevron that would have both organizational and societal implications
? The organizational implications
? The societal implications
? For Chevron, what would be the best way to address both the organizational and societal audiences

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Chevron is an organization that I am familiar with. What I need to do is identify an issue in which Chevron that would have both organizational and societal implications.

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? Overview of the importance of the organizational and societal functions of PR
? Explanation of the organizational functions of PR.
? Explanation of the societal functions of PR

The organizational an societal functions of PR holds great importance in today's world where companies are increasingly using their Corporate social responsibility initiatives to improve their corporate image and reputation and adhering to highest ethical and operating standards to ensure positive impact of their operations on society, customers and government.

Organizational functions of PR allows organizations to enhance their corporate reputation, profitability and growth as well as help in building brand reputation and goodwill among stakeholders. Similarly, societal functions of PR enhances the corporate social responsibility initiatives of the organization by providing benefits to the society in terms of increased awareness and education, development, etc.

Organizational functions of PR are aimed at providing benefits to the organization whereas societal functions are aimed at providing benefits to the society.

Organizational functions of PR include functions like media relations, investor relations and publicity and is aimed at enhancing ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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