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This posting addresses miscommunication issues in business.

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1- When you get interrupted or cut off, this can lead to frustration, but also miscommunication. What are some strategies that you and others can implement to reduce this "noise"?

2-Have you had a co-worker interrupt you while you're in the middle of a project and you were brief with your communication that you were perceived as being curt? When it comes to communication, we want to make sure it is not misconstrued? What are some ways for all of you to avoid being misinterpreted?

3- Do you think with the way technology is today, we tend to rely on virtual communication more? Do you think there is less interference in the virtual world than face to face? Why or why not?

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The solution provides a detailed discussion examining issues that lead to miscommunication, including being interrupted, cut off, noise, and virtual communication.

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1 - There are several things that you can do. The problem with interruption is that most strategies that are really effective can be seen as rude in the professional arena, although I'm not so sure the strategies are any ruder than the act of the person interrupting you!
You can immediately stop talking, and just give a look of puzzlement to the other person, as to why they have interrupted you, you can keep talking as if they haven't ...

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