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Panera Bread

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What significant changes have occurred in the external environment since 2007 for Panera Bread?
How did the company change (or did not change) internally to address the changes in the external environment?

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This solution includes a detailed overview of the changes that Panera Bread experienced from 2007 until 2010. Additionally, it includes three reference sources for further research.

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Panera Bread has been constantly striving to effectively utilize its opportunities to survive the competition. As a result, in 2005 the company was ranked top forty by Business Week in the annual list of hot growth companies. In the year 2007, Zagat rated the company to top the list of Overall Food Facilities and Popularity rankings.

However in the year 2008, the economy collapsed and the stock market fell by more than 30%. For Panera, though the year was one of strongest in its history. In each quarter of 2008 earnings exceeded the target. ...

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