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Organizational Development: Appreciative Inquiry

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This project allows you to learn about a contemporary OD practitioner tool, applying it to an organizational setting of your choice. The project also allows you to develop a greater sense of self as OD practitioner.

In this class you are introduced to both classic and contemporary change methodologies. Selecting a contemporary methodology (tool), write a literature research paper. The paper will include a broad overview of the methodology, an in-depth perspective of related to Organization Development and Change, and an application within a specific organizational context.

You may choose either Appreciative Inquiry or World Café. In addition, you should address creativity and innovation. All of these should be within the context of facilitating organizational change. The paper will include three sections:

Overview. This section will cover a broad overview of the methodology/tool. Such things as description, its origins, the developer, a basic history of the tool will be included.

In-Depth. This section will provide an in-depth perspective as related to Organization Development and Change. Who is using this methodology within organizational settings? How is it being used? What are the results?

Application. This section provides an application of the tool within a specific organizational context. How would you, as an OD practitioner, use this tool to address a specific organizational challenge? Address the context as well as specific actions you would take to introduce the tool to an organization and, if given the green flag, implement it. Address the following elements in the action plan:

o Organizational Challenge. Briefly describe the context.
o Change Team: Who needs to be involved in this process to ensure its success?
o Brief discussion of alignment of this application with organization development values and assumptions.
o Describe an overall approach (strategy) for introducing and implementing it, such as Action Research, Organization Change Process.
o Describe challenges and barriers you anticipate and how you will address them. This could include organizational readiness for change, expected resistance to change, organizational leadership.

The goal of this paper is to explore ways in which to integrate contemporary organization development practices and interventions within organizational settings. In preparing this paper, you will examine how these methodologies/tools can be utilized to support and facilitate a planned change effort.

8-10 double-spaced pages (use Times Roman 12 font with standard 1" margins). You will draw from multiple sources (minimum 5) including journal articles, books, and professional references such as associations and websites.

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The answer to this problem explains appreciative inquiry and its application in an organization. The references related to the answer are also included.

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In compliance with BrainMass rules this is not a hand in ready assignment but is only guidance.

Overview: The methodology tool being used is appreciative inquiry. This tool is an approach to organizational change that requires identifying the core strengths as a base for innovation and growth. The core strengths are obtained by appreciating the past and present strengths, successes, and potential (1). These factors are collated together as a positive core, and are used for change. There is need for exploration and discovery and be open to finding new potentials and possibilities. if there is a structured interview, the person is able to isolate the factors that contribute to optimal personal or organizational performance levels. Appreciative inquiry seeks to bring out the best in people and their organization. it is a change management tool that concentrates on finding what is working well, seeking answers to why it is working well and doing more of it. appreciative inquiry assumes that the organization will grow in whichever direction people in the organization will focus their attention (2). Appreciative inquiry refers to the change method where the best in people is recognized, the past is affirmed, and present strengths and successes are spotted and strengthened. It is a method of exploration and discovery. Ultimately, appreciative inquiry is a method for analysis, decision making, and implementing strategic change within organizations.
Origins: The creators of appreciative inquiry had a social constructionist approach which held that organizations are created, maintained, and changed by conversations. The founders of appreciative inquiry held that methods of organizing were only limited by people's imaginations and agreements.
Developers: The developers of appreciative inquiry were Cooperrider, Srivastava, and Diana Whitney. In 1990, Cooperrider and Diana Whitney first published an article that outlined the four principles of appreciative inquiry. Gervase Bushe is another important researcher in this field (3).
History: The first article was published by Cooperrider and Diana Whitney in 1990. In 1996 Cooperrider, Whitney, Srivastava and other practitioners used appreciative inquiry for the creation of United Religions. This application is described in "Birth of a Global Community: Appreciative Inquiry in Action" by Charles Gibbs and Sally Mahe. In 2011 a review of appreciative inquiry was published by Gervase Bushe. This review has supporting evidence, critiques, and processes. A history of appreciative inquiry was published by Gervase Bushe in 2012 (4).
In-depth Perspective relating to Organizational Development and Change:
The principles of appreciative inquiry encourage collective inquiry into the best of what is and in order to imagine what could be. What the model says is that there should be a collective design of the future state that is compelling. The model assumes that the questions asked tend to focus attention in a particular direction. In appreciative inquiry, the constructionist principle proposes that what we believe to be true determines what we do and thought and action emerge from relationships. The second principle is that of simultaneity which says that as we inquire into human systems we change them and sow the seeds of change (5). The third principle is the poetic principle which says that organizational life is expressed in stories people tell each other and the story of the organization is constantly being co-authored. According to the fourth principle, which is the anticipatory principle, people do today what is guided by our image of the future. The fifth principle is that positive principle which says that momentum and sustainable change requires positive affect and social bonding. According to appreciative inquiry, sentiments such as hope, excitement, inspiration, camaraderie, and joy increase creativity and innovation. What appreciative inquiry researchers hold is that excessive focus on dysfunctions can cause them to become worse. According to appreciative inquiry it is productive to focus on the favorable features of an organization. This can help make rapid improvements. What is required is strength based methods. One key assumption is that every person has some untapped positive ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "I read your comments, and thank you for this feedback. Do I need to find other studies that applied this methodology Ive used? That's where I'm stuck at."
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  • "Excellent and well explained. --Thank you kindly. "
  • "Awesome notes. I appreciate you."
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