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MGT510 Strategic Management

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Select a non-profit organization social group or volunteer agency that you know of, or of which you are a member, that you believe has an ethical culture. In what way is leadership a factor? What factors caused this culture to be ethical? Are there any events that would cause the culture to become less ethical? If so, what are they?

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The solution discusses strategic management and how leadership is a factor.

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The agency I am going to discuss is a nonprofit that deals with raising money and awareness of the issues for the developmentally disabled. The specific focus is for those who want to live and work independently outside of workshop settings. This organization is extremely ethical in its functions, structure, and culture.

The leadership is the guiding force of the foundation. Their approach to ethical behavior is modeled in every action they perform and every decision they make. The positive approach to dealing with people and clients helps to cement the reputation of both the founders and the rest of the organization. People learn to be compassionate and make decisions based on the best possible outcomes for the clients. There is no question that all paperwork is filed on time and complete as possible.

There is no rule bending in terms of the grants we manage. The grant parameters are followed as closely as possible and our clients and the grant receivers all gain by this attention to the details of the requirements. Each year our foundation receives very high marks for keeping the files up to date, managing the money, transparency, open door policies and the ability to relay necessary information with clarity and fully. We have four grants we manage in addition to our own specific grant program and we have been increased in both funding and responsibility in each grant each year.

The very special clients we work with help to maintain a positive in terms of ethical culture. Any mistakes or unethical behavior could damage our ...

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