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Management Rights

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Management rights are a key component of the collective bargaining agreement.

• Define the concept of management rights.
• If you were a top manager engaged in contract bargaining with a union, would you follow the residual theory or the trusteeship theory of management rights? Give reasons for your choice.
• What would be the impact of your choice of theory on employee relations?

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Management has certain rights within the operation of the business. The management rights' theories that effect collective bargaining agreements. The theory utilized by management will have an impact on the tone of the negotiations.

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Management rights are a key component of the collective bargaining agreement.
• Define the concept of management rights.
• If you were a top manager engaged in contract bargaining with a union, would you follow the residual theory or the trusteeship theory of management rights? Give reasons for your choice.
• What would be the impact of your choice of theory on employee relations?

• The Concept of management rights is the latitude given to manage a company that is reserved for the management within most corporate legislation. The management rights are core rights and operational rights. Core rights allow ...

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