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Management Differences Between Germany and England

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Suppose a British computer firm is acquiring a smaller competitor located in Frankfurt, Germany. What are two likely differences in the way these two firms carry out the decision making process? How could these differences create a problem for the acquiring firm? Give an example in each case.

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The expert examines the management differences between Germany and England. How these differences create a problem for the acquiring firm is determined.

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In Germany, companies look to the hierarchical process to make decisions, sending the process up line. While German law controls issues like vacation and make up of teams and decision making groups, Germans expect decisions from up above. German decisions are based on a common goal and how the organization can reach it.

British decisions are slower and often are based on the relationships as much as business. While German companies do not need a relationship with the other company or persons in the company, the British do. Germans are more interested in academic ...

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