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A Discussion on the Factors that led to WW1

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What forces were leading to war during the uneasy peace between 1871 and 1914? What were fundamental causes of World War I? Do you think that the war could have been avoided? Explain.

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The solution provides a comprehensive study of the varied factors during the uneasy peace from 1871-1914 that led to the First World War. The analysis of the varied causes of the war in the solution provides a perspective to debate about wether or not the conflict could have been avoided.

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The primary force that caused Europe to gravitate towards war between 1871 and 1914 was the unification of the German states into one mighty nation. Up until that time, Germany was a fragmented collection of states with only scant political power. But when Otto von Bismarck rallied the German states together under the banner of Prussia to defeat France in 1870, then declared the unification of Germany in the hall of Versailles, all of a sudden Germany, not France, was the strong man on the continent.

Great Britain had long been concerned with maintaining the balance of power on the continent. They wanted no one to dominate the continent, and thereby threaten Britain's own economic supremacy. Now that Germany had surpassed France as the ...

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