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Issues with control groups in workplace research designs

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Research designs involving control groups require that some employees receive training while others do not. This apparent partiality can be problematic if training improves some employees' performance and not others. If the improved performance leads to promotions, raises, or improved well being, is it fair to train some employees and not others just for the purpose of evaluation? What are some of the issues that could be raised as a result of this practice?

APA Style references included

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The issues with control groups in workplace research designs are discussed.

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Ethical considerations regarding the use of control groups are constantly evaluated by researchers, and practitioners. The question of whether or not it is fair to provide one group with helpful training or medications that could substantially improve their situation while refraining from doing so to another group for the sake of studying the efficacy of that training or medication is one that is a "hot topic" within the research world. Some of the issues that can be raised as a result of this practice are:

• Setting participants of the control group up for failure - This can result in a mindset of the control group ...

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