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How to Create Charts and Graphs in PowerPoint

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You work for Ryers Associates, a business consulting company that helps small- and medium-sized businesses organize or restructure themselves to be more efficient and profitable. You are one of six senior consultants who works directly with clients. To prepare for an upcoming meeting with executives at ComSystems, a mobile phone communications company, you create a brief presentation outlining Ryers' typical investigative and reporting techniques, past results versus the competition, and the company's business philosophy.

The following is a sample of the type of work you perform as part of your duties at Ryers: You usually investigate a client's business practices for two weeks and analyze all relevant records. Once the initial investigation stage is complete, you submit a client recommendation report to your boss that describes the known problem areas, the consequences of the problems, the reasons for the problems, the recommended solutions, the anticipated results for each solution, the anticipated cost to the client for each solution, and Ryers' final professional recommendation. After your boss approves the client recommendation report, you prepare a full report for the client. If the client approves the plan, you develop a maintenance schedule (usually one year or less) to make sure the plan is implemented correctly.

Download the file PPT F-S.ppt from doc sharing to your local machine, open it and then save it as Reyers.pptx [basically you'll be finishing this presentation; you only need to work on slides 3, 4, and 5]

Think about the results you want to see, the information you need, and how you want to communicate the message outlined above. Sketch or otherwise plan out how you want your presentation to look.

Create charts on Slides 3 and 4 using one of the charts available in the Diagram Gallery. Use the information provided in the description above to show the various stages of investigation and reporting.

Create a Graph chart on Slide 5 that shows how Ryers compares with two competitors. For example, you might illustrate the satisfaction level of Ryers clients compared to its competitors' clients or Ryers' consumer rating. (You'll need to make this data up; try to make the
imaginary data as realistic as possible).

Format the graph you created in step 4 above and add additional chart elements using the skills learned in this unit.

Change the chart type of the chart on Slide 5 to a cylinder with a 3-D Column with a cylindrical shape sub-type.

Open the Format Axis dialog box for the Value axis, open the Scale tab, then change the Major unit from the default setting.

Change the Maximum/Minimum scale on the Scale tab to a number that displays the values on the chart well.

Format the text on the slides. Modify the master views to achieve the look you want.

Spell check and save your final presentation and upload it to the Week 3 PowerPoint Project dropbox

Hints -

(1) For slide 3, all that you need will come from this sentence -

"You usually investigate a client's business practices for two weeks and analyze all relevant records."

There is no need to calculate anything or invent anything else. No research is needed.


(2) For slide 4, all that you need will come from this sentence -

"Once the initial investigation stage is complete, you submit a client recommendation report to your boss that describes the known problem areas, the consequences of the problems, the reasons for the problems, the recommended solutions, the anticipated results for each solution, the anticipated cost to the client for each solution, and Ryers' final professional recommendation."

There is no need to calculate anything or invent anything else. No research is needed. Not all of the information must be incorporated into your chart.


(3) For slide 5, here you will definitely need to invent some data. Here your effort will more resemble what you've done many times in the past in some of your math classes (perhaps what you've done with some statistical data).


(4) Not all charts are mathematical. Do not be stuck in a "bar chart frame of mind" when you;re working on slides 3 and 4.

Please review the diagrams that are shown on these web pages. They should be helpful.




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Solution Summary

Ideas on how to create charts and graphs in powerpoint to address organizational needs.

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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