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Hewlett Packard Pretexting Case

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H-P and Pretexting
Patricia Dunn is with Hewlett-Packard no more. It all started with a leak; somebody was giving out important company secrets. And with all the deft Hollywood style gumshoe-esque thinking Ms Dunn hired Private Investigator Ronald DeLia to find out just who it was. The Private Investigators posed as H-P directors, as journalists, and more to root out the information. But more to the point, all you really need is a social security number and a valid zip code and you can pose as the person and hack your way in. This my friends is called pretexting.

Should Patricia Dunn have been forced to resign?

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Based on the articles published about the case, it does not appear that she was forced to resign. It is my interpretation that she willingly resigned. In either case, typically when scandal rears its head in corporate America, companies choose to improve their public and internal relations by unseating individuals involved. These types of ...

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