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Differences between Sears and Target

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Please help selecting a company or organization that has successfully met the challenges of today's economic issues and compare it to one that has not.

Analyze the differences in approaches by management, leaders, and other shareholders involved.

Develop recommendations for the company or organization that is having difficulties.

I also need:

* Description of the two companies
* Analysis of the different approaches by the stakeholders
*Your recommendation for the organization facing problems.

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Solution Summary

This solution of 788 words explains the differences between Sears and Target by analyzing the approaches of the stakeholders and providing recommendations. References used are included.

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help selecting a company or organization that has successfully met the challenges of today's economic issues and compare it to one that has not.

Analyze the differences in approaches by management, leaders, and other shareholders involved.

Sears is a company on the brink of insolvency and total collapse because it has failed to adapt to the current economic issues or establish its own niche that would enable the company to successfully compete with companies such as Target that have developed a well-defined identity, which is mandatory for 21st century retail. The approach by management for Sears and its acquired subsidiary K-Mart relied upon an outdated model that has resulted in both of these previous retail giants losing market share as a result of mismanagement from leaders. The CEO of Sears has reportedly micro-managed the ailing retail giant resulting in the company having one of the highest senior-level turnover rates as a result of the mismanaged approaches that the leadership have engaged in over the last 25 years. One of the main problems with Sears is that it continued to hold on to an outdated mall-heavy real estate portfolio, ...

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