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Current American sociocultural trends

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List and explain four current sociocultural trends in the U.S. that are transforming North America and the world.

One would be the use of text...

As discussed the use of

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List and explain four current sociocultural trends in the U.S. that are transforming North America and the world.

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List and explain four current sociocultural trends in the U.S. that are transforming North America and the world.

One would be the use of text messaging instead of using phones or emails (especially amongst younger people). Another would be the use of social networking (i.e.; Facebook) as a way of keeping people abreast of what is going on in one's life. Another would be the use of laptops over PCs and with this, wireless internet and the last trend would be reading books via an e-book i.e.; Kindle by Amazon.
As discussed the use of texting is growing ...

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