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Variety of Issues

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There are so many issues involved with this problem that I find it overwhelming....I see the negligence of the clerk, the mental illness of the shooter, the fact that the store has to be liable in some way...then the issue of the injured shooter being locked up until police arrive. In no way am I sure what issues are legitimate or if they can all be included in one heading. Also...the problem doesn't really elaborate on what happened to the first woman who was shot...is she dead..injured, etc.? How does this relate to the information and should it? I would be happy if someone could just point me in the right direction on this, please.

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This solution gave the student steps in handling the problem, and to where he or she could understand it.

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Here is what I would suggest in order to help you. I would do one issue at a time. You can discuss the negligence of the clerk, mental health illness of the shooter, and the store's ...

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