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Writing on Effective Communication Strategies

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An effective communication strategy is essential to achieving effective project integration management. Any time the goal is to integrate numerous concurrently operating activities, the role of communication becomes central. This is because independently operating activities all come with their own unique obstacles and challenges. Some of the obstacles and challenges are interrelated, and they may depend on what is happening at another level of the project. Without an effective communication strategy, design team members seeking to overcome these obstacles and challenges may engage in activities that are not cost- or time-effective.

Consider your own organization: How do project status, issues, and accomplishment information get shared? What types of information are shared through documents? Through meetings? Through informal communications? How has e-mail affected the efficiency and effectiveness of project communications? How has social networking affected the efficiency and effectiveness of project communications?

Write 750-900 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Separate tasks into sub-tasks, and a work package with stated duration and order of precedence. Create effective project communications systems to keep stakeholders informed of project status.

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How do project status, issues, and accomplishment information get shared?
Project status, issues, accomplishment and other project related information and updates are shared in my organization via various means. First of all, the project team members meet with each on a regular basis via team meetings which are either held on a weekly basis or as and when needed in the case of emergency situations. These team meetings are an excellent platform to share all the news, updates, issues and problems related to the project. The team members are given adequate opportunity to express their views, opinions, feedback, concerns and updates regarding the project. The project manage moderates the meeting, answer all queries and concerns and provide in depth update regarding the project.
Apart from such team meetings, the project manager communicates with the team members via personal/one to one meetings, emails, etc. The communication is two-way and very effective in my organization as the project manager encourages all team members to remain in close communication with each other. The project manager also shares information via organization's intranet and group email communications.
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Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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