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Communication and Transactional Models

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• Week 1: Discussion Question One
Module 1 | Discussion Question 1 | 8 Points Possible

Discussion Directions:
1. Original posts due (each week) on Wednesday by 11:59pm.
2. Student discussion posts should be at least 200 words. Student posts should be thoughtful and accurate (proofread before clicking "submit"). Also, be sure to credit any outside source in APA style!
3. Comment on an original discussion posts made by a peer by Sunday 11:59pm. Vary which classmate you comment to each week.
-- Meaningful comments to classmates are not general comments of encouragement like "good post, I learned something new." Instead, your comment(s) should connect that week's textbook content with the peer's post and your own thoughts.
Discussion prompt:
• Describe the transactional model of communication--including its components and what it attempts to explain about communication. (1 point)
• How is this model connected to the idea that "one cannot not communicate?" (2 points)
• Provide an example from your personal life to highlight both ideas. (3 points)
• Comment to a peer about his/her posts. Make sure to write about the content of their post and how it relates to what you're learning in the textbook. (2 points)
• Module One Discussion Board: Question Two
Module 1 | Discussion Question 2 | 8 Points Possible

Discussion Directions:
0. Original posts due (each week) on Wednesday by 11:59pm.
1. Student discussion posts should be at least 200 words. Student posts should be thoughtful and accurate (proofread before clicking "submit"). Also, be sure to credit any outside source in APA style!
2. Comment on an original discussion posts made by a peer by Sunday 11:59pm. Vary which classmate you comment to each week.
-- Meaningful comments to classmates are not general comments of encouragement like "good post, I learned something new." Instead, your comment(s) should connect that week's textbook content with the peer's post and your own thoughts.
Discussion prompt:
• Explain the idea of Generalized Other. (1 point)
• Share an example of how media--- TV shows, magazines, billboards, etc--- influences views of self. Be specific about your example by sharing a link (or example image) and explanation (2 points)
• Describe (do not list, instead explain) three guidelines for improving your self-concept. (3 points)
• Comment to a peer about his/her posts. Make sure to write about the content of their post and how it relates to what you're learning in the textbook. (2 points)

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Solution Summary

The answer to this problem explains the transactional model of communications, and how to improve one's self-concept . The references related to the answer are also included.

Solution Preview

In compliance with BrainMass rules this is not a hand in ready discussion but is only guidance.

The transactional model of communication assumes that people are connected through communication. According to the transactional model each person is a sender receiver and not merely a sender or receiver. Further, communication influences all parties involved, and communication is simultaneous. One of the key components of the transactional model is the ellipses that show the communication environment. The most effective communication takes place where ellipses meet. The key components of the transaction model are the elements that exist in relation to all other elements, the reaction of each person to communication depending on five factors. According to the transactional model the factors are the communicators' ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "I read your comments, and thank you for this feedback. Do I need to find other studies that applied this methodology Ive used? That's where I'm stuck at."
  • "Thank you kindly sir. "
  • "Excellent and well explained. --Thank you kindly. "
  • "Awesome notes. I appreciate you."
  • "I have the follow-up project and I will assign that to you very soon. "
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