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Scientific method and hypothesis-driven science

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Biology is a hypothesis-driven science. Biologists make observations that lead to new biological questions. They then formulate and test hypotheses in order to explain their observations and thereby answer the resulting question. The results of the testing determine whether their thinking was correct. This whole process is known as the scientific method.

Without realizing it, we employ the scientific method on a daily basis. However, if you pay close attention, you will find that you conduct many hypothesis-driven experiments every day. Think of an every day example of how you performed a simple experiment to test a hypothesis based on your observations. Write out the experience using the steps of the scientific method: observation, question, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, conclusion.

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This solution discusses the scientific methods and hypothesis driven science. This solution discusses the steps of the scientific method.

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You come home from work. You walk into a room to do work and find that when you turn on the lamp, the room ...

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