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Scientific Methods, Atoms, Chemical Bonds & pH Scale

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1.List and explain each step of the scientific method. Give an example of an observation that can be evaluated by the scientific method and use the method to explain the observation. Must be at least 250 words.

2.Compare and contrast covalent bonding and ionic bonding. Why do some atoms bond covalently and others ionically? Must be at least 75 words

3.List the three important constituent parts of the atom; give location of these parts in the atom, and the electrical charge of each part. In addition, pick any element and give the numbers of each of these parts for that element. Must be at least 75 words

What does the pH scale measure? Identify some substances that are high on the scale and some that are low on the scale. Must be at least 75 words

4. What does the pH scale measure? Identify some substances that are high on the scale and some that are low on the scale.

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This custom answer represents a group of information including the basics of scientific methods, what an atom is, a description of the pH scale, and chemical bonds. Also included throughout are examples. Almost 900 words total.

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Hello, and thank you for posting to Brainmass. I hope these answers help you gain a better knowledge of the subject you are studying.

1. The scientific method is a method or workflow that allows a researcher to follow a series of methodological steps to develop and test a hypothesis in a systematic non-biased way using accepted scientifically sound techniques. It is the method by which hypotheses are tested and either proven or disproven. This method can be used to look at the simplest question or the most complex question, regardless of the complexity, the process is identical.

The steps do the scientific method are sequentially followed and are the following, and as you requested, I will use an example throughout the steps.

a) observe something of interest/ ask a question about something that interests you. (Eg. Why won't the light turn on anymore)

b) generate a hypothesis about what the answer to your question is.. This step is essentially asking - how do you think you can solve the problem. These are generally written in the form of if _______, then ______ (Eg. If I replace the light bulb, then the light will work). The variable after the "if' is the independent variable while the variable after the "then" is the dependent variable.

c)Materials. What do you ...

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