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Anatomy and Physiology 1
syniovial joints, movement.

2. Fibrous joints are either sutures or syndesmoses. What is the difference between the two? Give examples of each type.

3. A symphysis and synchondroses are two classifications of what type of joint? What are the differences between the two classifications?

4. What allows synovial joints to be diarthrotic?

5. For the following, match the correct synovial joint to the movement it produces.
Joint Movement
a. Pivot Joint
b. Gliding Joint
c. Ball and Socket Joint
d. Condyloid Joint
e. Saddle Joint
f. Hinge Joint

1. Uniaxial movement, typically flexion or extension
2. Uniaxial rotation
3. Side-to-side and back-and-forth movement
4. Multiaxial movement
5. Concave and convex surfaces of both bones allow for biaxial movement
6. Ellipsoidal fit allows for biaxial movement

Joint Articulating Bones
6. Fill in the chart below:
Joint Articulating Bones Type of Synovial Joint Movement

Type of Synovial Joint Movement

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Solution Summary

Joints are classified structurally and functionally based on their anatomical characteristics and on the type of movement they allow. Structurally, joints are classfied based on the presence or absence of a space between articulating bones called synovial cavity. Functionally, joints are classified based on the degree of movement the allow.

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2. Fibrous joints are either sutures or syndesmoses. What is the difference between the two? Give examples of each type.
Fibrous joints " have no synovial cavity and the bones are held together by fibrous connective tissues that are rich in collagen fibers." (1) A suture is "a fibrous joint composed of thin layer of dense fibrous connective tissue", and it mainly occurs between bones of the skull. (1) Sutures permit little or no movement. Sutures are immovable and are classified functionally as synarthrosis. Sutures have irregular, interlocking edges that give them added strength and decrease their chance of fracturing. An example of a suture is the suture between the parietal and frontal bones.

A syndesmosis is a "fibrous joint in which there is greater distance between the articulating bones and fibrous connective tissue. One example of syndesmosis is " the distal tibiofibular joint, where the anterior tibiofibular ligament connects the tibia and fibula. Another example is the interosseus membrane between parallel borders of tibia and fibula. A syndesmoses has slight movement.

3. A ...

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