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Blood types

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Compare blood types and the basis for ABO and Rh incompatibilites.

Categorize blood type by its characteristics and function.

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This solution provides information in tabulated form regarding basis and categorization of blood types.

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Blood Group Antigen Present (ABO group) Rh Factor Antibodies Agglutination with antibodies

antiA antiB antiD(Rh)
A+ A + B + - +
B+ B + A - + +
O+ nil + A, B - - +
A- A - B, Rh (develops later in life) + - -
B- B - A, Rh (develops later in life) - + -
O- nil - A,B, Rh (develops later in life) - - -

The basis for incompatibilities can be explained by the agglutination reaction with reagents containing specific antibodies. If a certain antigen is present ...

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