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To analyze job satisfaction among men and women

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Using American Intellectual Union, AIU's large database of survey responses from the Unit 1 individual project, complete all of the following:

1. Work through a t-test to compare the means of two groups of data. One possible example is to compare the tenure of females to the tenure of males. Select one of the quantitative variables from the Data Set (include all 288 cases) and perform a t-test to determine if the Population mean is equal to 5.0. Ensure that you begin by stating the null and alternative hypotheses. Your final answer should point out if the null is confirmed or rejected and why. Please show as much work as possible.

2. Work through a chi-square test to compare the expected and observed frequencies of two groups within our Unit 1 data set. One possible example is to compare the actual number of female and male participants in the data set. Ensure that you begin by stating the null and alternative hypotheses. Your final answer should point out if the null is confirmed or rejected and why. Please show as much work as possible.

See attached file for full problem description.

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To test if the job satisfaction is more in men then in women/

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