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One sample hypothesis testing for M&M experiments

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Using the data derived from the M&M experiment in class develop one research question from which you will formulate a research hypothesis.

prepare a 350-700words paper describing the results of a hypothesis test of one population mean or population proportion. be sure to include the following in your paper

a. formulate both a numerical and verbal hypothesis statement regarding your research issue.

b. perform the five step hypothesis test on the data pertaining to your selection
c. describe the results of your test and explain how the findings from this hypothesis testing can be used to answer your research question.

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The solution examines one sample hypothesis testing for M&M experiments.

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Since our total number of M&Ms is 342, we want to assume that the average in each group is 57. Therefore, we can test to see if there is any difference between the number of red M&Ms and the supposed average of 57

Ho: The number of red m&ms is 57 (x=57)
Ha: The number of red m&ms is more then 57 (x> 57)

I do believe that in this case, we should use a one sample t-test to find out if red is different then the average.
The formula would be:

the sample mean - population mean ...

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