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From the school of Allied Health, 10 faculty out of 40 are to be selected to attend a summer conference. Of the 40, 25 are women and 15 are men. Select the 10 by the most appropriate method.

A new teaching tool developed by the Allied Health department is claimed to help 68% of students learn at a faster pace. State the null and alternate hypothesis if:
a) 68% is too low
b) 68% is not correct but you don't know what it should be

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The method of selection for faculty to evaluate new teaching tools are given. A complete, neat and step-by-step solution is provided in the attached file.

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From the school of Allied Health 10 faculty out of 40 are to be
selected to attend a summer conference. Of the 40, 25 are women and 15 are men. Select the 10 by the most appropriate method.

The most appropriate method is the method of proportionate ...

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